Last Live Episodes
Episode 02
MR.Cool ft. Ermal Rodi
In this second performance we’ve cooperated with a fabulous duo. Mr.Cool (Sokol Turdiu ) could easily be identified as one of the performing pioneers of Tirana’s night life, whereas the other one, Ermal Rodi comes from the academic world of music. Sharing their love for music is what they know best, something which will go on and on for a long time... We thank all the collaborators for the support. Together we can.
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D : March 2021It’s SETA 4art, it’s you 4art, it’s us 4art.
Unless we start paying, making music will become the preserve of the elite
Seta4art | General, News | 0 Comments
A few weeks ago, I spent £27 on a record with the enticing title Live Drugs. I bought it because I am a fan of its creators, the Philadelphia-based rock group the War on Drugs, and also because I was in the midst of a pandemic-related phase of insomnia and anxiety and it seemed to offer the prospect of a bit of uplift. But the main reason was the prospect of some kind of reconnection with something I almost seem to have forgotten: live musical performance, and what it’s like to hear and watch a band with a multitude of other people.
Live Drugs was recorded in an array of places across the world over a period of five years; one review called it “a grand love letter to live music”. Its best moments suggest a kind of inarticulable dialogue between the group and its audience, something heard most spectacularly on the 12-minute evocation of 21st-century living titled Under the Pressure, when thousands of people passionately sing along not with the words, but the guitar part. They sound like a football crowd.
It takes a lot of human labour to create a moment like that, and right now all of that work is in a state of suspended animation. People who earn a living seeing to sound, lights and the transport of people and equipment are either unemployed or doing another job. Something similar applies to the string and horn players often hired by successful bands, who also play in orchestras and ensembles. The advertising sections of music magazines and Sunday supplements are smattered with announcements of gigs and concerts scheduled to take place from the spring onwards; having written off 2020, the people behind the UK’s summer festivals seem to be tentatively starting to put next year’s run together. But no one knows for sure if any of these events are actually going to happen.
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Seta for art is the initiative of Seta Studios, a creative production and event organizing agency. We work for Films , Music Video , Tv Commercials and Events , into other words we work for Everything that needs to be photographed shot and designed . Seta Studios is able to handle your project from concept to delivery and every step in between . We are in the middle of an extensive network of creative professionals and can be as big or small as your project .
The main focus of this project is to SUPPORT the Local music and art INDUSTRYOur Mission
I Offer direct support to industry professionals, organizations, artists and venues by diverting revenue to the music and art industry.
II Raise awareness of the ongoing situation and the impact it has in our lifes.
III Answer a specific ongoing public need for protection against the spread of infectious diseases.
IV Engage artists by performing in our video content materials. These contents are supposed to be covered from the part of the revenue that will not go directly to the artists.
V On the other hand these contents will promote sites of natural and historical value.
VI Create a platform that hopefully in the near future will help settled artists show their work and new ones launch .
Our Vision
We got the inspiration from the fact that because of the pandemic local artists have been suffering and are currently not working , this because the traditional venues and events they would perform are not able and allowed to create situations which would make use of this artists services , and what’s more important is that this kind of situations wouldn’t be safe. So we are here in front of a solution which aims to create an online scene to keep this artists occupied and provide them with income .
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Unless we start paying, making music will become the preserve of the elite
D : 27TH JAN 2021Comming Soon
D : March 2021Comming Soon
D : March 2021
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